Friday, May 13, 2011


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I’m always looking for inspiration whether it be design, music, fashion or beauty related. Sometimes I come across someone that inspires me completely. As in- lifestyle, personality, I totally want to BE you, sort of thing. I’ve been a huge fan of Gena Rowlands and her phenomenal director/husband, John Cassavetes for quite sometime. My older brother introduced me to her famous gangster flick, Gloria when I was a teeny tiny 8 year old wanna be Gena. Man, having older brothers is the shit. Truly.


I just wanted to take the time to share this incredible woman with you all. Ladies, we’ve got to have role models. Personally, I like my role models with glamorously wavy hair, a fierce mouth and the ability to kick the shit out of your life with a single sentence or stare. I love you, Gena Rowlands. Thanks for being the best kind of lady.

See some clips from two of her films, Woman Under the Influence (with Peter Faulk!) and the aforementioned, ball-busting and thrilling, Gloria after the jump!

Woman Under The Influence from Crooked Planet on Vimeo.