Friday, May 13, 2011

Kids Covers

SOURCE   BibliOdyssey - Click here to go to original post

Peeps into Zoo-Land

Queerie Queers with Hands, Wings and Claws

The Butterfly Ball

A Shadow Show

Object Teacher

Tit Tiny and Tittens the Three White Kittens

Chicken World

Our Airship ABC

Jack the Giant Killer

Mother McGrew and Daniel Donkey

Skeezix at the Circus

The Animals' Picnic

The Doggie's Promenade

The Remarkable Tale of a Whale

The Story of Snips

These scans of children's book covers were produced between 1860 and the 1920s and come from a wonderful compilation book:

'From Mother Goose to Dr Seuss: Children's Book Covers 1860-1960' by H Darling, 1999. There are a few more covers in the set.